Repeater Info

Repeater antennas atop Guinn Hall

Repeater Equipment

The primary 146.92 repeater on Guinn Hall and the 7 voter receivers that receive the remote voter sites.

Programming Your Radio

Download the current ICE (In Case of Emergency) radio plan from our GitHub page: You can easily use this frequency listing to import into CHIRP or your OEM Radio programming software.

Internet Feed

The output of the 146.92 and the 145.17 repeaters are available on the Internet at

Repeater Guidelines

Please observe the following Operating Guidelines:

1.   Monitor Before Transmitting

Be sure the repeater is not in use.
You do not want to disrupt someone’s QSO.

2.  Identify Legally

You must identify at the end of a transmission or series of transmissions and at least once every 10 minutes during the communication.  Always ID before and after when you are accessing the repeater functions.

3.  Pause Between Transmissions

Wait for the courtesy beep. This allows other users to break in. They may have an emergency. Also, this will keep you from timing out the repeater. The timer resets at the beep. This is very important during SKYWARN/ARES net operations. DO NOT use the word “BREAK.”   Normally, your callsign will get you into any conversation.

4.   Keep Transmissions Short

Your monologue may prevent someone with an emergency from getting in. This is especially important when reporting emergency information. Please remember that the repeaters are a shared resource.  

5.    No Commercial Business!

The FCC forbids using an amateur repeater for anything that could be construed as business communications.

Repeater Priorities

  1. Emergency Traffic
  2. ARES / SKYWARN (weather) 
  3. Routine Mobile Traffic
  4. Fixed Base Traffic

Repeater Interference

For several years now, DCARA has experienced interference on the 146.920 repeater. Please assist the repeater team in identifying the source(s) of this interference. When you detect interference, report it on this Google page.

The Denton County Amateur Radio Association sponsors several repeaters in the North Texas area.

146.920146.320110.9W5NGUTWU Guinn HallPrimary ARES
Allstar: 41087
145.170144.570110.9W5NGUCounty EOCGeneral use
Allstar: 484571
224.200222.600110.9KE5GDBRosston TowerGeneral use
Allstar: 43409
224.540222.940110.9KC5MPXGrapevineGeneral use
224.920223.320110.9AF5RSTWU Stark HallGeneral use
Allstar: 43784
444.050449.050110.9W5NGUCounty EOCGeneral use
Allstar: 484572
443.525448.525118.8WA5LIETWU Stark HallFusion Digital only
441.325446.32588.5W5NGUeCOMM-701 / CleatusPortable
927.1375902.1375131.8W5FKNRosston TowerGeneral Use
927.6125902.6125110.9W5NGUCounty EOCGeneral use
Allstar: 48456
440.6625445.6625 N5LSTWU StarkDMR-MARC
927.6625952.6625 N5LSTWU StarkDMR-MARC
Denton County area APRS Digipeaters
144.390W5NGU-3TWU Stark HallAPRS Primary digipeater (igate)
144.340W5NGU-4TWU Stark HallAPRS Secondary digipeater (igate)
144.390W5NGU-6Rosston TowerAPRS Primary digipeater (igate)
144.340W5NGU-7Rosston TowerAPRS Secondary digipeater (igate)
445.975KE5DGBTWU Stark HallAPRS 9600 baud digipeater
445.975W5DCR-2Downtown DallasAPRS 9600 baud digipeater
Denton County area Winlink Gateways 
144.990KD5EOC-10County EOC towerWinlink public gateway
144.990K5YX-10Little ElmWinlink public gateway
144.990KF5VO-10The Colony/McKinneyWinlink public gateway
Denton County area Winlink Digipeaters 
144.990KC5GOI-1 (alias “RSSTN”)Rosston TowerWinlink Digipeater
144.990W5NGU-4 (alias :DCARA”)TWU Stark HallWinlink Digipeater
144.990KD5EOC-10County EOC towerWinlink Digipeater
144.990K5LRKThe Colony towerWinlink Digipeater
144.990KC5TSU-10Lake DallasWinlink Digipeater
 * either CALL or alias can be used
Denton County area Winlink HF Gateways 
20, 40, 80 mKD5EOCNorth DentonWinlink public HF gateway
 ** frequencies vary. Use Winlink “Channel Selection”
147.450146.450W5NGU-CCounty EOCDigital voice
442.925447.925W5NGU-BCounty EOCDigital voice
1293.4001273.400W5NGU-ACounty EOCDigital voice
1253.6001253.600W5NGU-GCounty EOCData access
147.490146.490KE5YAP-CRosston TowerDigital voice
440.7125445.7125KE5YAP-BRosston TowerDigital voice
1293.2001273.200KE5YAP-ARosston TowerDigital voice
1259.2001259.200KE5YAP-GRosston TowerData access

Other Area Repeaters

53.1300-1.0103.5N6LXXRosston Tower
145.2100-.600110.9KB5AMetrocrest ARA-Carrollton
145.4300-.600110.9K5UTDUT Dallas
145.4900-.60085.4WD5URosston Tower
147.3800+.600110.9K5LRKLAARK – The Colony
Allstar: 47668
147.5800N/AN/AKB5A-10Metrocrest – Winlink GW
224.000-1.600110.9K5LRKLAARK – The Colony
441.3750+5.0114.8KA5RTrophy Club
442.6500+5.0110.9KB5AMetrocrest ARA-Carrollton
443.300+5.0110.9K5LRKLAARK – The Colony
443.7375+5.0141.3N6LXXRosston Tower
443.8750+5.0110.9N5EOCDFW Airport
444.5125 **+5.0123.0KE5UTCelina
**Narrow Band (2.5KHz deviation)