Contact Us

Please send all “Snail Mail” to :
Denton County Amateur Radio Association
P.O. BOX 50433
Denton, Texas 76206-0433

Club Meetings

DCARA meets on the fourth Monday of each month (except December) at 7:00 P.M. in the Denton County Administrative Courthouse at 1 Courthouse Dr, Denton, TX. Click here for a map.


The By-Laws of the Denton County Amateur Radio Association are public and may be read or downloaded here: BYLAWS of Denton County Amateur Radio Club, Inc. (pdf).

Standard Operating Procedures

The Standard Operating Procedures of DCARA are revised as needed and are public. The current version of the DCARA SOP is available here: Standard Operating Procedures (pdf).

Non-Profit Organization

DCARA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

ARRL Affiliated Club

We are an ARRL Affiliated Club, and as such our By-Laws are provided to you by using the following link. Denton County Amateur Radio Association By-Laws and Standard Operating Procedures. Our Financial Report can be found at this link.

Denton County Amateur Radio Club, Inc

The Denton County Amateur Radio Club, Inc, doing business as the Denton County Amateur Radio Association (DCARA) furthers the exchange of information and cooperation between members, promotes the radio “art”, helps spread the amateur radio hobby to others, and conducts club programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the community and the Association.

DCARA provides communications support to local charitable organizations during their fund-raising events such as bike rides and walkathons. Many members also assist the National Weather Service through participation in SKYWARN. They also use their skills during Search and Rescue and Disaster Relief activities.

Originally incorporated in 1974, the Denton County Amateur Radio Club later merged with the North Texas High Frequency Society and became the Denton County Amateur Radio Association.

If you have additional questions please feel free to contact any of the officers on the air or use the Club Leadership link in the menu.