Member Resources

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Elmers Needed

Do you LOVE amateur radio?

Sure you do or you wouldn’t be here… Here is your chance to share that thing that gets you energized about HAM Radio with an operator wanting to learn those same skills.

What’s in it for me?

How about a chance to see that smile and sparkle as a new operator starts to understand the concepts they have studied and gotten licensed to practice in our hobby. Growing the NEXT generation of operators that will be doing things the WAY YOU WERE taught.

What do I need to learn?

NOTHING, you don’t need to study or do anything more than you already do with your radio. Just share your understanding of our hobby with someone willing to learn from YOU.

Growing our hobby is what we are all about and this is where it starts; at the GRASS ROOTS.

How can you participate?

Simply log in to HamClub online ( and go to View/Update your Skills.

Once there, you will see a list of Member Assignable Skills Available:.
Beside each of the skill names you see the word (add) or (remove)
Select the skill level accordingly.

Level I – Indicates an Interest or Emerging Skills
Level II – Indicates Intermediate Skill
Level III – Indicates a Mastery of this Skill.

It is our hope as Elmer/Mentor Coordinators to pair those wanting assistance learning with those that indicate they have a Level III or Level II in these skills.

We also wish to match these new operators with someone that lives close to them.

It’s just that simple, then as we get new operators that are needing assistance we will begin pairing you up.

We won’t pair you up with anyone without ASKING you first either. We definitely know that life can get busy and you may have other issues that would prevent you from participating. So you’re welcome to take as many or as FEW as you want.

Since taking over as Elmer/Mentor Coordinators, Tod and myself have been answering many emails daily from new operators. As more new operators are trained there are more asking questions and eager to learn. So many questions, in fact, that there will be NO way we can keep up with them. This is where we are asking for your HELP.

HELP educate the next generation of radio operators by passing on your skills and knowledge.

The Elmers


Partner Organizations

The Denton County Amateur Radio Association (DCARA) works closely with a number of other organizations in our area and across the State of Texas.

DCARA provides communications support to local charitable organizations during their fund-raising events such as bike rides and walkathons.

They also use their skills during Search and Rescue and Disaster Relief activities.


The mission of the Denton County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is to assist the local community during a public health emergency or natural disaster with health implications by providing a rapid, coordinated and specific response.

Denton County Amateur Radio Association members assist MRC with their communication needs when deployed. Please see the MRC site for additional information.


The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help.

Many of our Amateur Radio operators are also members of CERT and provide many hours of service to their communities in that capacity. If you are interested in joining them, please visit the CERT website.


The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is coordinated through the Amateur Radio Relay League(ARRL). The mission of the Denton County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (DCARES) is to provide radio communications for disaster relief efforts or when requested by local authorities. Our ARES members have been deploying with various city, county and state government and non-government organizations for many years. You do not have to be a member of DCARA in order to become a member of ARES. Please check out the DCARES web site for more information.


Denton County Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (DCVOAD) is a humanitarian association of independent voluntary organizations who may be active in all phases of disaster. It’s mission is to foster efficient, streamlined service delivery to people affected by disaster, while eliminating unnecessary duplication of effort, through cooperation in the four phases of disaster: preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation.

The VOAD web site is available for additional information.

Red Cross

The DFW chapter of the Red Cross also serves Denton County and DCARA members lend a hand. The ARRL has a Memorandum of Understanding in place with the Red Cross and DCARES assists the Red Cross with communications under this MOU. Red Cross


SKYWARN is a volunteer program of trained severe weather spotters established by the National Weather Service(NWS) in the 1970s. Amateur Radio operators are an important asset to the program. Most of the DCARA members are active in SKYWARN. Find out more about the program at the NWS web site.