Recorded by Nancy Graff AG5MQ
Eric Gildersleeve KD7CAO welcomed new members and guests.
Presentation: Presentation was Happy Anniversary DCARA 50 years old 1974-2024. Gerald Marchant WB5NZV brought old pictures and documents. A spread sheet was presented that showed who the officers were and DCARA’s meeting places over the years. Original members present were Gerald Marchant WB5NZV, Fred Stevens, Sandy Stevens & Fred Keen KC5YN. Lots of interesting stories were told.
Christmas Dinner: Eric reminded us the deadline to make dinner reservations was December 3rd. The Dinner is on Saturday December 7th 4:00 pm at Angelina’s Mexican Restaurant in Hickory Creek. See the DCARA website for details and to make reservations.
Training: Nancy Graff AG5MQ reports planning for a General license class is in progress, with a class possibly in February 2025.
ARES: Michael Porter KF5LDJ reminded about wintertime safety and make sure vehicles and homes are prepared for winter weather.
Rookie Roundup: The Rookie Roundup is Sunday December 22nd at the old EOC. It is CW. Contact Roger or Robert Allen K5IKD at for details.
Operations: Andrew Koenig KE5GDB reported on the Turkey Role event. DCARA provided 41 volunteers. There were over 1000 riders. Future events include Foxhunts and Winter Field Day January 25-26, 2025. Guy Story KC5GOI will start setting up foxes this weekend.
Committees: Laurie Hemming KG5QIX reports the recognition committee is still looking for nominees for recognition. Cliff Hemming KG5HHL reports volunteers are needed for net control for the 3rd Monday of each month.
Area Clubs: Robson Ranch new president David Hume K5DTH reports the club is growing and now has 15 members. Gerald Marchant reports the LARA Christmas dinner is December 8th at Spring Creek BBQ in Lewisville 6 PM. There will be a white elephant gift exchange and door prizes. LAARK’s Christmas dinner is December 6th at Spring Creek BBQ in Frisco, 6:30 PM.
Meeting Adjourned.