Officers’ Meeting – November 5th

Prepared by Nancy Graff AG5MQ

Present: Eric Gildersleeve KD7CAO, Gerald Marchant WB5NZV, Landon Elfenbein N5AET, Sara Ann Stevens KE5MZT, Andrew Koenig KE5GDB, Stewart Rabinowitz KE5UT, Bayles Melton KG5UJM, Laurie Hemming KG5QIX, Cliff Hemming KG5HHL

The PowerPoint slides for the next meeting, Monday November 25, 2024, were reviewed and updated.

Presentation: Presentation for the November 25th meeting will be Happy Anniversary, DCARA Turns 50 Years Old. Members will be invited to share their DCARA pictures, memories, memorabilia and history. Meeting will also be a show and tell.

Weather Stations Project: The status of the weather station projects was reviewed. Future locations were discussed.

Christmas Party: Planning and discussion of the Christmas dinner included, budget and door prizes. The DCARA Christmas dinner will be December 7, 2024 at 4:00 PM. Location is Angelina’s Don Louis Mexican Restaurant located at 101 Baize Blvd, Hickory Creek TX 75065 PM. Tickets are $28.00 per person. Please purchase you tickets by December 3rd, 11:00 PM. Purchase your tickets on the DCARA website via PayPal. Dinner will be beef & chicken fajita, salad, flan dessert. There will be door prizes.

Other: Other meeting discussions included: HCOL and DCARA Google calendars, financials, and the recognition committee nominees. Meeting Adjourned