Come watch amateur radio operators:
➢ Set up a field station & antennas
➢ Contact people around the world
➢ Operate voice, digital and morse code
➢ Test their equipment and abilities
➢ Practice emergency skills
Visitors are welcome to stop by, ask questions, and learn about the exciting hobby of amateur radio.
Pilot Knoll Park – Post Oak Pavilion
218A Orchid Hill Rd.
Argyle, TX 76226
Starts January 25th at 16:00 UTC (10:00 CST) and ends January 26th at 21:59 UTC (15:59 CST)
More Details
We will be returning to our tried and true location for Winter Field Day 2025. The previous field day in June had to be relocated due to mother nature providing us with an abundance of rain and flooding the Post Oak Pavilion area. We are currently working on planning our operations and menus for the event. As always, prepare for cold weather as we will be near the end of January. We will have Georgetown and e-Comm setup which have heat available. Please advise us if you will be bringing an RV to stay in overnight. Newer members and HAMs please don’t hesitate to email either Curtis or Bayles if you have any questions. Pilot Knoll Park does have gated access and the code for Winter Field Day will be provided prior to the event during the November DCARA monthly meeting and via Ham Club Online (HCOL). More details to come.
If you would like to volunteer, have questions, or comments, please email:
Curtis Anthony at kf5pgm@gmail.com or Bayles Milton at bayles.melton@gmail.com.