DCARA Election Committee Request

In accordance with the Denton County Amateur Radio Association (DCARA) Bylaws and Standard Operating Procedures, the President is calling for an Election Committee to be formed. This committee will consist of at least two people, but more may be a part of the committee. As President, I will appoint two individuals to lead the committee, a Chair and Co-Chair. Both individuals must be a current member of the DCARA and may not be interested in running for a position that is open.

By the April 2024 meeting, we will have selected by simple majority vote individuals to fill the positions of:

• President
• Secretary
• Technical Director

If you are interested in serving as a member of the Election Committee, please submit your name and callsign to the President via E-Mail (president@dcara.net). It is requested that these individuals respond by 5:00pm on February 5th, 2024. This will allow enough time to advertise for candidates.

If you are interested in serving in one of the Officer Positions, please hold your interest till the nomination committee has been formed.

(Bylaws) ARTICLE XV. Election Procedures
Elections for officers shall be held annually for odd or even years as appropriate; a majority of the votes cast will elect. In elections where there are more than two (2) candidates and no candidate receives a majority of the vote, a run-off election will be held between the two (2) candidates with the highest number of votes.

A nominating committee shall be formed at the regular monthly meeting a minimum of two months prior to the election. No sitting officer or candidate for office may serve on the committee.

Details of the election process shall be maintained in the Standard Operating Procedures.

(SOP) Election Procedures:
Elections for officers shall be held annually through mail ballot, or electronic ballot, or by the membership at the April meeting of the association.

A nominating committee chair shall be determined by volunteer or appointment by the
President no later than the February meeting. Additional committee members may be
selected, if desired. Elections will be fair and impartial. No sitting officer or candidate for
office may serve on the nominating committee. Election Committee will not express
preference for one candidate over another.

The association’s officers shall determine the method for polling the membership.
(SOP) Election Process:
Nominations for candidates will be solicited between February and March meetings.
Nominations and/or volunteers will be requested by email prior to the Sunday before the
March membership meeting. Verbal nominations may be accepted at the March meeting,
where a slate of candidates will be presented to the membership.

All candidates must be Active Members of DCARA for a minimum of One Year. Additionally, candidates for Secretary/Treasurer must have served in another elected Officer position for a minimum of one year.

The Election Committee will verify qualifications, contact each nominee to seek their
acceptance, and confirm their willingness to serve if elected.

Candidate names will be open and available upon request as nominations and volunteers are received.

Voting will be performed electronically using the HamClubOnline.com (HCOL) process.

Voting is by secret ballot with write-in capability. Active members (dues current) as of April 1st are eligible to vote.

Ballots will be emailed via HCOL in early April. Electronic voting will end Monday at 5:00 PM, the day of our April membership meeting. Election results will be announced at the end of the April meeting.

New officers begin their term of office immediately upon the election result announcement.

April 2024 positions up for election or re-election and the job duties for each as listed in our Bylaws.

(Bylaws) President:
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall conduct the same according to the rules adopted by the Association.

The President shall enforce due observance of these bylaws, decide all questions of order, sign all official documents that are adopted by the Association and none other, and perform all other customary duties pertaining to the office of President.

The President shall be for a term of two (2) years, election for this position shall occur on even years.

(Bylaws) Secretary:
The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings, keep a roll of members, submit applications of membership, carry on all correspondence, read communications at each meeting, and mail written notices to members as necessary.
The Secretary shall ensure that club callsigns/licenses are maintained in good standing with the FCC and the club Trustee.

The Secretary shall ensure that official club documents are saved to file repository, general mail items (not including bulk/advertising/trash mail) are scanned and saved to file repository and when necessary, mail is shared with the Executive Officers.

The Secretary shall ensure integrity of association files and documents through online file repository and backups.

The Secretary shall post meeting minutes to the newsletter editor by deadlines set forth by the editor for membership notice.

The Secretary shall be for a term of two (2) years, and the election for this position shall occur on even years.

(Bylaws) Technical Director:

The Technical Director shall supervise the installation and maintenance of all equipment owned by the Association and shall coordinate the various technical endeavors of the Association.

The Technical Director shall appoint assistants as necessary to aid in the fulfilment of these duties.

The Technical Director shall be for a term of two (2) years, election for this position shall occur on even years.

The full by-laws and standard operating procedures may be found on the DCARA website under About Us.


Eric M. Gildersleeve ~ KD7CAO